Tag: japan corporate sector

Buffett buys Japan – The ultimate endorsement of Abe’s legacy

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(Sep 2020) Peter considers Shinzo Abe's legacy in the wake of Warren Buffett's decision to invest in Japan's trading companies.

Japanese governance post-Covid-19: the rules may change, but the game goes on

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(May 2020) In this article, Peter assesses Japan’s new national security legislation and explains why, although poorly thought out, it is not as draconian as some commentators believe and will not deter those activist investors who adopt a sensible value-enhancing approach.

From Abenomics to Coronanomics

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(Apr 2020) Peter considers the differences between the current Coronavirus crisis and the Global Financial Crisis of 2008 and the potential implications for Japanese equities.

After the Fall

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(Mar 2020) Mark and Ben compare the current state of the market and our funds with those experienced during the TMT shock of 1999/2000 and the GFC of 2008. They also explain their views on some stocks widely held by growth managers as well as those value stocks which they consider particularly compelling at present.

Henka変化: Japanese Corporate Transformation

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(Nov 2019) Mark analyses corporate earnings in Japan and how big trends in this area are affecting Arcus' day-to-day investment decisions.